
Give. Save. A Mountain.

A close friend of mine, Chad A. Stevens of MilesFromMaybe Productions has been working on an incredible project about mountain top removal and the people fighting to save Coal River Mountain.

The project is currently accepting donations to help with production. It is a powerful, meaningful project working for a good cause, so if you've got any extra to give, then give!

Watch the trailer here.
Donate here.

ps. You can even keep up to date on yee old facebook here.


lover lover lover II

Please let me start again. I want a face that's fair this time.

(a photo from the archives.)

lover lover lover

come back to me.

A couple of months ago I was driving home and felt the intense desire to pull over the car and take a picture of the ginko leaves. As soon as I walked over to them, I saw the leaf angel. I'm always reminded to be thankful for life's little, quiet, magical surprises.

Take this longing